Friday, September 14, 2007

Around here, life is never dull

After taking time yesterday to "recover" from a very late night, it's now Friday... and it looks like we'll be working on "indoor" projects most of the weekend. The weather forecast is calling for high winds today and tomorrow, with thunderstorms on Sunday. Can you tell our season is changing?

Yesterday, I took the time to modify the chicken nest boxes a bit... just like in marketing, gotta find a need and fill it. In this case... I'm asking the pullets what they want for their nest boxes. I thought a nice fluffy warm sheep's wool lining would be comfy. Cindy says they're using shredded paper out at the farm and those girls love it.

Well, this batch of hay we're using to feed the sheep is really ratty... It has rye heads and alfalfa roots, as well as pretty good-sized stems. They're really wasting a lot of it. Since straw isn't something readily available, I'm trying this hay in one box.

Wouldn't ya know it... so far the first and only egg to land in a nest box, has landed in the one with the hay.

Oh, we've also added a couple of antique glass eggs to give them the idea.

Wednesday afternoon, when we returned from the Senior Center, Bev noticed Dakota, our yearling wasn't in her usual pen. It looked like she was in one of the new stalls.

Closer inspection revealed she was actually standing in the back walkway area where we'll be feeding from... not a place for horses.

Now, the big question... How the hell did she get out of her securely closed pen? It's only 16x16x12x14 feet, so she didn't have room to run around and then leap over the standard height horse railing.

There's no sign she went under the fence either as it's only 15 inches distance. Also, the panels hadn't been moved around... What a mystery!

We're pretty sure she'll do well with Dusty now, as she was standing nose-to-nose with him for some time. She left more than enough evidence of time spent in our walkway.

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Posted by Shari Thomas @ 10:49 AM

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I love reading your blog Shari...I find that my hens like the wasted hay too..good use for it!!!
Did you ever solve the mystery of how the yearling got out of the pen and into another place???
My dad had a horse that could jump a fence flat footed even with hobbles on when I was a kid. Her name was Brick (she was a strawberry Roan) but she sure could fly!!
Have a great is windy here too!

Posted by Blogger Aunt Jenny @ September 15, 2007 at 12:44 AM #
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