Thursday, August 2, 2007
Here's how things get done around Beryl...
I mentioned we've made a deal on another horse...
We heard about this horse from a gal Bev works with. Seems her father-in-law bought the horse at auction last month. He actually bought two, but she just had to come with him... and he doesn't even really care for "paints".
We looked at the horse, but being such "rookies" we felt it necessary to drag our mentor away from her "moving chores". Dixie thought the horse looked sound, but felt we should have Clyde check her out.
The next day, as I was skirting a fleece (under the trees on a concrete pad in front of the chicken coop), I saw Clyde drive by with a load of hay... Luck would have it, he had to go for another load in a few minutes, so saw him come down the road again, on his way for the next load.
After waving him to stop, we had a good chat, and a quick "look-see" at all our animals. In that short time, he confirmed my suspicions on the hay we bought (not very high quality), agreed that two and possibly four of our ewes are pregnant, and...
He'd go with us to check out the horse... and
He would bring the tractor down next week to level the building site for at least one more stall, level our front parking area (still a sand buildup), and even help us get the poles set for the stall addition. I offered to trade one of our ewe lambs in return... the deal finished off that we would feed his animals for the next three days while they go to Salt Lake.
Now, because we've purchased the horse, we had to hustle a bale of hay down. The guy who sold the horse to us is feeding... but he is also going to Salt Lake... could we feed while he's gone?
You bet!
So, come next week, we'll get the new stall built, the new horse home, the round pen moved, and who knows what else, all thanks to the way neighbors help each other. I'll be sure to get pictures of the process.
Labels: Around the farm
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