Monday, July 16, 2007

Mid-summer enjoyments... the weather, the sheep, the chickens... the horse

Oh boy... the "monsoonal flow" has arrived.

What's that mean?

Well, it means higher humidity. Mornings now start out at over 50% and only drop to the mid twenties. That makes the heat index a few degrees higher. It also means afternoon and evening thunderstorms, mostly the "dry kind".

You see, we have a lot of what is termed "virga". That's rain that never hits the ground because the air close to the ground is too hot and dry... it makes the rain evaporate in mid-air.

Lightening, is almost always the "to the ground" kind... and that's really dangerous, not just because it hit's things like buildings, animal, and even people... but because it starts fires in our tinder-dry area.

That means we spend even more time watching the horizon, looking for tell-tale wisps of smoke.

I've added a "weather underground" widget, so you can follow along with us... look in the left side-bar. Of course, you can all get more weather detail at my Weather "Wunder Blog"

So, what's with the sheep these days?

We think "Merino" is pregnant. I've been giving her a handful of "sweet feed" each morning. That supplements her normal alfalfa ration. If she's preggie... she should be due by the first of August, as she left the neighboring farm (and ram) in early March.

The rest of the girls "could" be pregnant and deliver as late as mid-October. That would be sweet as we'd finally have a crop of lambs for the spring market.

Algernon, our ram is getting lonesome...

Each time I go out to the sheep pens, he puts his front hooves up on the fence panels wanting attention. He just loves to have his chin scratched, his ears rubbed, and his name called. How do I know? He tells me so with contented (although stinky) burps.

The chickens are nearly grown... I'm having visions of chicken dinners. At least three of our young boys have learned to crow. That means they're about ready to butcher. I've got several years experience, but still find it a somewhat messy job.

All the chickens have learned to beg. "Mom" generally has treats twice a day, so whenever any of us approach the run... they all come "a running"... it's so cute!

Dusty is growing up so fast.

It's been some time since he's made serious attempts at biting any of us. Also, he's learned that water is "good", especially when Cindy holds the sponge to his face.

He's learned that tying means he has to stand still. Fortunately, we've not done anything to him to cause him not to stand still... Even placing his saddle blanket and saddle on him was ok with him.

This last weekend, Cindy borrowed a bareback pad and cinched it to him.

Sure, he did a little bucking... and cow-kicking (those are the **** you kicks)... and even got too frisky and flipped over backwards... but soon discovered it was too much effort. That pad wasn't coming off!

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Posted by Shari Thomas @ 11:30 AM

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