Sunday, July 15, 2007

Got up early... so took pictures

The other morning, Cindy had to leave for work by 6:45 AM. That meant both she and Mom were up before the sun came up... Oh, and so were all five dogs!

That meant Bev and I were up, too. You see, with five large dogs who love nothing more than running and jumping on beds... there's no sleeping in.

Sarah, my Finnish Spitz has learned new tricks from Koda. She now leaps from halfway across the room, onto my bed (more like onto me, the big lump in the bed). Then she proceeds to talk "Finkie-speak" until I finally give in and love her all over.

Koda likes to pounce on us... and then sit on our heads. She's such a happy dog... why wouldn't we all want her love so early in the morning.

So, out of bed. Struggle to pull on the jeans and boots with the help of all the dogs, and trudge off to let the chickens out of their coop. All of this BEFORE my first cup of coffee.

Here's a few pictures of morning at our little piece of paradise. That really long shadow is me taking the picture.


Posted by Shari Thomas @ 4:22 PM

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I loved reading your to have another Utah gal at the MJF group!! There are several of us! I am in a couple hours from you I am guessing...not real sure. We have a milk cow, a couple sheep and a spoiled angora goat and lots of chickens along with the one rabbit, 3 dogs and 3 cats and 4 kids...busy place.
Anyway..just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blog and welcome to Utah!

Posted by Blogger Aunt Jenny @ July 15, 2007 at 11:19 PM #

Hi aunt jenny,

Yes, I'm so happy to find other Utah farm girls!

Manti is about 200 miles north east of Beryl... perhaps we could find a way to meet in the Richfield area?

In time we plan to add a steer and some barn cats.

I'll be pestering you with all kinds of questions as we get further into creating and marketing our products.

Thanks for stopping by!

Posted by Blogger Shari Thomas @ July 16, 2007 at 12:21 PM #
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