Friday, April 27, 2007
The peeps are here... and the internet was down!
Wednesday morning we got the call from the PO... we have a box of peeping chicks for you.
Bev, Cindy, and I quickly got all the chores done. That meant feed the horse, the sheep, prepare the bottles for the lambs and get them fed, and make sure everything was right for the peeps, including turn on the brooder light to preheat their new home.
The gals at the PO had already "inspected" the chicks. Apparently they peek at each shipment... they're just so darned cute. They also told us this was the healthiest batch of chicks they had seen come through the Post Office this year.
Our hatchery of choice is Welp. They're located in Bancroft, IN, but have "satellite" facilities elsewhere. Our chicks originated in Albuquerque, NM. That's one reason they are so bright and healthy.We taught each how to drink before moving them to their new home. What a hoot! Mom was inspecting each one before handing them off to either Cindy or myself. Bev was taking the pictures.
Their brooder is in the chicken coop so we never have to fully relocate them, just remove the carboard from around them and spread more shavings. We can even expand the brooder in a week or so when they really become active.Ok, so what did we get?
We got 5 Astrolorp females and 5 Astrolorp males, 5 Plymouth Barred Rock females, 5 Buff Orpington females, 5 White Rock straight run, 5 Golden Laced Wyandotte straight run, and 5 Silver Laced Wyandotte straight run.
That will give us a good assortment of brown egg layers, as well as some very tasty meat. Mom wanted lots of "color" so we have black, black and white, brown and white, red, golden, and white birds.
The first day we monitored them every 30 minutes and then finally every hour. By bed time, we were pretty confident, but I did get up at 1 AM to check/adjust the temp and then again at 6 AM.
Believe me, our dogs think we're nuts. We finally had to leash two at a time and take them on a farm tour after the big black Lab (the only one that gets out without a leash) reported back to the rest. She's still patrolling the coop exterior looking for a way in... I figure she'll be a great help if we ever have a problem.
Labels: Chickens
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I got the same call from the post office on Wednesday morning. I have 24 young ones sharing my bedroom. I have been up several times a night checking on them! It's like having a newborn baby again! Totally fun yet crazy!
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