Monday, March 12, 2007

Has it really been a week already?

Wow! With good weather, we've been working on projects from sunrise to sunset. Let's see if I can catch the week up a bit.

We recovered nicely from the sheep roundup, got our new fencing in anticipation of "Aljenon" arriving later in the week. At some point in time, we've got to get a "farm truck"... we "city girls" look kind of funny hauling fencing in the Avalanche.

That's just the first of three panels. After taking out the back window and laying down the back seat, we still had to use our "ratcheted tie-down" to hold it in place.

Those panels are awesome! All we have to do is sink three step-in steel posts per panel and wire the panels in place to create a nice little pen. Each panel is about 16' and is at least 48 inches high. Now, unless we trench down, these don't provide any "burrowing critter" control. However, because we have dogs, and do send an occasional one out to the pens... the coyotes seem to leave us alone.

We're looking for a guard animal as our little flock gets bigger. Around here, you can get a donkey for $25 at the BLM auction. They're better protectors than llamas... and they'll eat whatever scraps are left around, including some of this tumbleweed.

Posted by Shari Thomas @ 12:28 PM

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